For whatever reason, interesting articles keep coming my way this week! In the November, 2010 issue of "Tech & Learning", there is an article entitled "Top 10 Ways 21st-Century Schools Can Protect Themselves from Copyright Violation". It was written by Renee Bangerter, a professor of English at Saddleback College in Mission Viejo, California. Bangerter states that educators and students must have a clear understanding of copyright regulations and lists 10 ways that educators and students can safeguard themselves and their schools.
10 - Be mindful that copyright regulations apply to various media. Copyright laws apply to virtually all copying, including copy machines and all-in-one printers that have copying capability.
9 - When using video, get permission or licenses. One of the most frequent causes of cease-and-desist letters to schools is for showing entertainment films that are not tied to the curriculum.
8 - If it's a consumable - that is, something that is destroyed or altered by being used for its intended purpose (and thus is intended for a single use only) - don't copy it. Schools can get in trouble when teachers make photocopies of tear-out sheets in student handbooks or workbooks.
7 - Lead by example. Teachers should cite the sources of the materials they use and make sure they have the necessary permissions.
6 - Just because it's easily accessible doesn't mean you can use it freely. Material on the Internet is not exempt from copyright policies.
5 - Student copyright should not be overlooked. Schools should put the same effort into protecting students' work as teachers' work.
4 - Unpublished work requires citation. Even if a work has not been formally published, it still has to be cited when referenced.
3 - Utilize your resources. Teachers should use software programs that check the originality of students' work.
2 - Policies must be in place. Without proper policies in place, including punishing copyright offenses, the whole concept of copyright becomes moot. Everyone needs to have an understanding of copyright policy and the ramifications of violating it.
1 - Teach students the importance of academic honesty. If students understand the fundamentals of academic integrity, including the value of producing original work, obeying copyright policies will become second nature to them.
All of us can use a reminder now and then to make sure we give credit where credit is due and make sure we do not just blindly copy materials because of budget cuts and such. Thanks, Dr. Bangerter, for a very informative article!