This week I want to expand on the information given last week about podcasting. Will Richardson's book, Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms, has been such an enlightening read with all sorts of good ideas for using the Internet for educational purposes.
Here's one way to utilize podcasting in a classroom - if you and your students are interesting in doing a radio broadcast but can't afford all the necessary equipment, you can utilize podcasting as a way to have a "radio" type program on the Internet. Here is a link for an elementary school in Omaha, Nebraska that has "podcasts for kids by kids". Just click on any of the podcast links to hear one of their productions.
Here's another link to a school in Murrieta, California that regularly posts podcasts. And here is one more link for a middle school in Marietta, Georgia where you can learn about their film festival and other interesting events and subjects. With this last example, you not only get audio, but video, too!
Now that you've had an idea of what has been done by a few sample schools around the country, start thinking about how you can utilize podcasting. For example, language teachers could use podcasts for their students to listen to a particular language lesson. Social studies teachers could use podcasts as a way to record oral histories or interviews. Music teachers could record their classes singing or playing instruments. Technology classes can create weekly or even daily news programs for their school or perhaps with the use of video, a virtual tour of their school building.
Don't forget that Apple also has many ideas for using the iPod and the iPhone in schools. Check out some of the things that can be done with those handheld devices!
Next week, we will be on spring break, so I probably won't have an entry in this blog. Well, that is, unless I see or learn about something that I just can't wait to share! Have a wonderful week!