As of this date (September 3rd), the following meetings/trainings, etc. are on my September calendar:
7th - Mandatory Procedures Training in the Butler Auditorium @ 1030
7th - Demonstration of new Simple Assessment Web features @ 1300
9th - TRT Meeting at CCPS @ 1530
16th - CCEA New Teacher Orientation at Pagliai's @ 1800
20th - Caldwell Co Bd of Ed Meeting at the Butler Annex Boardroom @ 1900
22nd - District PLC Meeting in the CCHS Library @ 1530
24th - Regional TRT Meeting in Christian County @ 0930-1300
27th - CCPS Technology Committee Meeting in the CCPS Library @ 1500
28th - Parenting Workshop in the Butler Auditorium @ 1800
As most of you are aware, one of my large projects is finished thanks to the help of several colleagues - Sue Simms, Stephanie Feagan and Ron Berry. Everyone in the district should be receiving their 2010-11 phone directory sometime the week of September 7th.
I am finished with building kindergarten households and have begun working on preschool households in Infinite Campus. Once that task is completed, I hope to start getting out into the schools on a regular basis to meet with teachers and visit classes to see where we can integrate technology into everyday lessons and content delivery. Also being planned for the month of September is the startup of STLP again at the elementary and middle schools. We'd like to see this program be re-activated and revived in our district.
As you can see it's going to be a busy, busy month!